Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome to 5th Grade!!

WOW! Summer went by so fast! As we embrace a new school year, it is with great pleasure that I have the honor working with you and your student this year. This blog will be updated starting on Sunday night and there will be updates during the week. To start off with, please click on the parent tab and fill out the parent information form if you haven't already. Please include your email address, so that I can email you with class tidbits and keep you informed with class information. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me. 

Basic supplies needed for my class:

2 Composition Notebooks (1 Math and 1 Science)
2 Spiral Notebooks (1 Math Homework and 1 Science Homework)
1 Red Folder
Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
Index Cards
1 Package of Dry Erase Markers

Daily Expectations

Each day your student will need the following supplies in my class:

1 Red Folder
2 Composition Notebooks
2 Spiral Notebooks

Please check these items daily as these should be the same items that should come home as well.

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